Baypoint #mycommunity3G  – #Getinvolved

Baypoint Football Club and Baypoint Sports CIC are aiming to raise funds for a state of the art, floodlit artificial grass pitch to be used by the club, community groups, schools and individuals throughout Dover and Thanet. The site will have a 2500 person per week capacity and, as well as providing  formal football provision, the pitch will be also be used by other sports such as  Rugby Clubs and will provide programmes to support health and well-being and social inclusion for people of all ages.

The overall cost of the facility is approx £900,000 of which Baypoint itself must raise £200,000 Alongside a substantial grant sought from the Football Foundation. Baypoint Football Club along side Baypoint Sports CIC will work along Dover Active, Dover District Council and Kent Sport to raise the gap funding through partnerships with local business, fundraising and sponsorship.

If you want to get involved in the project or think you could help in anyway we would love to here from you via email


Over the past 3 years we have been building a case for the funding of a full-sized floodlit 3G pitch at Baypoint in Sandwich. In November 2020, the Local Football Facilities Plan (LFFP) for Dover DC identified Baypoint as priority One in Dover for a #mycommunity3G  and priority two in Thanet region.

Whilst inclusion on the list doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll get the go ahead, it is a huge hurdle cleared on the way to building a facility that would be transformative for both the Football Club, Baypoint and the our wider community with other local teams, groups, schools and residents.


We have started a Crowdfunder page, link can be found Here

Our football Teams are embarking on a fundraising activities , full details will be available soon.

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