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HAF Program

The program has enabled us to support hundreds of children and their families by providing sport activities, art and crafts, health, wellbeing, and nutrition talks, signposting for families and hot meals.

What is the HAF Program by Baypoint?

In 2021, Baypoint delivered Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programmes over the Easter, Summer, Autumn and Winter breaks. The program has enabled us to support hundreds of children and their families by providing sport activities, art and crafts, health, wellbeing, and nutrition talks, signposting for families and hot meals.

The aim of the Baypoint HAF programme is to support children to eat more healthily, be more active over the school holidays and have a greater knowledge of health and nutrition, as well as be more engaged with school and other local services.

Following on from the successes of HAF programs already delivered at Baypoint, our aim is to continue to support children from low-income households. Research has shown that the school holidays can be pressure points for some families. For some children this can lead to a holiday experience gap, with children from low-income households being:

  • less likely to access organised out-of-school activities
  • more likely to experience ‘unhealthy holidays’ in terms of nutrition and physical health
  • more likely to experience social isolation

The Baypoint HAF programme is a response to this issue, with evidence showing that free holiday clubs can have a positive impact on children and young people. They work best when they:

  • provide consistent and easily accessible enrichment activities
  • cover more than just breakfast or lunch
  • involve children (and parents) in food preparation
  • use local partnerships and connections, particularly with the voluntary and community organisation sector

Information for Parents

The HAF programme is primarily for children aged 5-16 years (and can include 4-year-olds already in Reception year) who are eligible for and receiving benefits-related free school meals (FSM), and their families. We want to support as many children as we can, so if it encourages your child to attend, they can bring a friend/sibling. We also provide places for children who can pay to attend.

As we want the program to support children and their families, we will open places to children who are vulnerable or in need.This may include, for example:

  • children assessed as being in need
  • looked-after children
  • children with an EHC plan (education, health and care)
  • children assessed as otherwise vulnerable
  • children living in areas of high deprivation
  • children in families who have struggled with COVID restrictions
  • children in families who are electively home educated – not in education – and who would be eligible for free school meals if attending school or eligible under other vulnerabilities

Signing up

Each programme will have its own information and booking system. They will require confirmation of your child’s eligibility for benefits related free school meals, schools may help with this. We will support families in applying and attending.

What can you/your child expect?

Each programme we will provide a range of exciting activities and games, and a healthy main meal. In addition, there will be a range of enjoyable and interesting opportunities for children to try new things and make new friends. There will also be ideas about how to source high quality, healthy food cheaply, creative ways to encourage a healthy diet and fun ways to cook.

How are children with additional needs included?

At Baypoint we strive to ensure we include children of all ages, abilities and disabilities. We have made sure our HAF programs are accessible for a wide range of children. We will speak to families and schools to ensure we can facilitate every child’s needs.

Click here to find out more information.

Further information:

Free school Meals: https://www.kent.gov.uk/education-and-children/schools/free-school-meals#tab-1

Reconnect: https://www.kent.gov.uk/education-and-children/schools/reconnect

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